The Active Defender:
Be Prepared and equipped

Dec 16

Don’t Miss Your Shot. Get Tickets Today!

Limited Availability
10 : 14 : 10 : 17

3 Ticket Tiers Available (Online Only)

From Beginner to Expert You Will Learn Something New

Are you ready to take the next step? Be prepared for the use of force in Wisconsin. Maybe you have taken a concealed carry class or two, or have tried to study the laws. Counterpoint events tell you the truth about how things really work. Counterpoint hosts some of Wisconsin’s top criminal defense attorneys. This seminar covers “need to know” topics on carrying a firearm in WI and how to defend yourself.

About This Series

The Active Defender (noun)

/ the ak-tiv dih-fen-der /


a) Someone who is actively engaged to educate and train themselves to prepare for the moment that none of us want

You will attend lectures written from the ground up to teach you, “The Active Defender”. Becoming an Active Defender is about closing that gap and actively learning about the use of force, laws and the justice system to put you on the best footing possible when you need it most.

This series was created in no small part because the speakers keep seeing good people go to jail or worse because there are too many holes in the knowledge base among victims of violent crime. Honest, hard-working folks are becoming victims twice: once by their physical attackers and again by their ignorance or miseducation about the law and justice system.

Tom Grieve Youtube


This series is in part due to Attorney Tom Grieve’s overwhelming success on his YouTube channel. Tens of millions of viewers have discovered throughout the numerous topics covered there that they may have thought that they were informed and up to date: but what they did not know could send them to jail or even prison. Attorney Tom Grieve discusses the use of force and 2nd amendment laws in Wisconsin and around the country for folks to learn and give feedback to shape future videos.

Meet your Counterpoint Instructors

Our lineup of Presentation Topics

Wisconsin Force Law (9:00AM - 10:30AM)

Use of Deadly and Non-Deadly force, Open and Concealed Carry, Castle Doctrine, Stand Your Ground, Duty to Retreat and More

After the Shoot (10:45AM - 12:00PM)

What WILL Happen, How to Handle 911, How to Handle the Police, Detainment, Police Questioning, How to Survive Jail, Access to Attorney Family and Friends

Courtroom Truths (10:45AM - 12:00PM)

What a Criminal Case Looks like from the Inside Out, from your Initial Appearance, Bail, Preliminary Hearing, Status hearings, and Legal Defense Motions, all the way up to trial.

Trial Truths (1:00PM - 2:15PM)

How Do Trials Work in REAL Life including Motions in Limine, Jury Selection, Opening Statements, Witnesses, Experts, Jury Instructions, Closing Arguments, and Jury Deliberation

How YOU Go to Jail (1:00PM - 2:15PM)

Common and Easy Mistakes that Wisconsinites and Conceal Carriers Actually Make to Land in Jail Every Single Day

Real Scenarios & Q+A (2:30PM - 4:30PM)

Test YOUR Knowledge while Learning from real events around the world.

VIP Smaller Session Q+A & Discussion (4:45PM - 6:00PM)

Smaller breakout group to allow for deeper discussion and exploration of topics

Wisconsin Force Law (9:00AM - 10:30AM)

Use of Deadly and Non-Deadly force, Open and Concealed Carry, Castle Doctrine, Stand Your Ground, Duty to Retreat and More

You could fill a book with everything that was left out about the use of force laws and issues from your concealed carry class: we aim to help that. This is not the fault of the many hard-working conceal carry instructors out there. The simple fact is that these laws can be very complicated and technical. There is an overwhelming amount of information and evolution that constantly occurs in the criminal justice system.

In this opening presentation that everyone will attend, Attorney Tom Grieve will give you the crash course on Wisconsin use of force law, Wisconsin’s apparent duty to retreat (yes!) that people normally only learn about after the smoke clears, castle doctrine, stand your ground and carry law.

This course will not assume that the audience knows much, but it will quickly move from beginner to intermediate and advanced topics in these areas of law.

Did you know that there is arguably a duty to retreat in Wisconsin? Did you also know that there is arguably a stand-your-ground law in Wisconsin? What about how Castle Doctrine works: who is covered, when, where, and how? This course will be a deep dive into these and other subjects to make sure that you are knowledgeable about these critical fundamental topics to the use of force law.

*It will be helpful to be conversant and to know the basics of these issues prior to coming to the class. Attending a USCCA concealed carry class is an excellent way to ensure that you will get the most out of this talk.

After the Shoot (10:45AM - 12:00PM)

What WILL Happen, How to Handle 911, How to Handle the Police, Detainment, Police Questioning, How to Survive Jail, Access to Attorney Family and Friends

You used your gun: what next? Many concealed carry classes give little to no useful information or worse yet something completely wrong that can put you behind bars. In this course, you will be getting the facts and the laws about surviving an encounter with law enforcement (both kinetically and legally).

What kind of questions will the 911 operator likely ask you? Should you keep them on the line or hang up? What kind of answers should you give and not give? When is some information too much information? How are you supposed to handle the responding officers when they arrive?

What kind of tactics and strategies are they likely to employ on both you and your family along with other witnesses and how can you be prepared?

This course will also bring you through what it is like to be arrested, have your rights read and be processed through jail. When do you get your phone call? How long can they hold you? When can you call an attorney? Also, what can an attorney really do for you now?

Courtroom Truths (10:45AM - 12:00PM)

What a Criminal Case Looks like from the Inside Out, from your Initial Appearance, Bail, Preliminary Hearing, Status hearings, and Legal Defense Motions, all the way up to trial.

Most people have no idea how the American criminal court process actually works or what it even looks like. We have all seen lawyers and trial shows on TV and in the movies. However, you need to be a criminal attorney to know that, surprisingly, Hollywood gets nearly everything dead wrong. As a result, most defendants in court go in thinking that they know how things will work only to be rudely surprised that they not only do not know what is going on but what they thought they knew was entirely inaccurate, incorrect and working against them.

In this course, you will learn about how the justice system actually works at both the 10,000-foot view down to many of the trench-level details as you start your self-defense case and follow it through the justice system up to trial.

Did you know that only 1%-3% of criminal cases even go to a jury trial? Do you know the main ways that cases are actually defended? What kind of strategies do prosecutors and judges use that both you and your defense team will need to contend with?

Learning about jury trials is integral to understanding your self-defense case, but learning about everything that leads up to the trial will allow you to understand a lot more about that trial and how cases can be won -or lost- before the first juror is ever sworn in.

Trial Truths (1:00PM - 2:15PM)

How Do Trials Work in REAL Life including Motions in Limine, Jury Selection, Opening Statements, Witnesses, Experts, Jury Instructions, Closing Arguments, and Jury Deliberation

The American criminal jury trial: We all know about it. But how much of what you know is wrong?

If you are like most people, you think that you know the basics of how a jury trial works. If you are also like most people, you will be shocked to learn just how much of what you know is not only dead wrong but can be extremely self-defeating. This class will completely change your perspective on how jury trials really work.

In this course, we will start with voir dire, also known as jury selection. How does this mysterious process actually work? What kind of jurors are the prosecution and defense both looking for? What kind of tactics and strategies will be employed in the bruising battle to get the jury that both sides want? Next, how does an opening statement actually work? Then to the case: how does the evidence look, what are some of the commonly misunderstood but important rules of evidence like hearsay, circumstantial evidence and more that people get wrong all the time?

Finally, to the closing arguments followed by jury instructions: that essential piece to the justice system that they never teach you about in school or most concealed carry classes. Even though you will have heard about the concept of jury instructions and a few examples in the opening talk concerning Wisconsin’s Use of Force laws, here you will see a deeper dive into common instructions -and battlegrounds- in real cases. How are the jury instructions actually assembled and chosen? What kind of pivotal role can that play in your case?

Advance your knowledge as an Active Defender by finally demystifying the cornerstone of the American justice system.

How YOU Go to Jail (1:00PM - 2:15PM)

Common and Easy Mistakes that Wisconsinites and Conceal Carriers Actually Make to Land in Jail Every Single Day

You are trying to follow the law. This is how to not become a client.

A lot of potential problems and legal tripwires are out there to avoid while owning, possessing and carrying firearms. What is more, is that many people keep repeating the same handful of mistakes that can land them behind bars whether during the use of force or otherwise. What are those same mistakes that people keep seeing? What are some basic pointers and legal facts to keep in mind to not be another statistic in a book or defendant in the courtroom?

Real Scenarios & Q+A (2:30PM - 4:30PM)

Test YOUR Knowledge while Learning from real events around the world.

In the closing talk that everyone will attend, Attorney Tom Grieve will involve the audience as you get to test your knowledge to see if you can get the right answer. Attorney Grieve will be using real-life stories and cases to see if you can get the right answer, spot the problems (if any) and arrive at the right conclusion. The results will both shock and enlighten you as you hopefully have a good time, learn even more life-saving information and close the seminar on a high note.

VIP Smaller Session Q+A & Discussion (4:45PM - 6:00PM)

Smaller breakout group to allow for deeper discussion and exploration of topics

The grand finale of our exclusive VIP experience at The Active Defender will be an intimate closing session with our team of self-defense experts. As a privileged VIP attendee, you will gain access to this small-group gathering just for premium guests.

In this special concluding discussion, you will engage directly with our instructors and attorneys to reinforce crucial lessons from the event. We will immerse you in real-life self-defense scenarios, and then collaborate on analyzing appropriate responses and outcomes. Expect thought-provoking conversations as we weigh factors like proportional force, disparity of force, duty to retreat and affirmative defenses together.

Rather than just observing, you will play an active role in applying your expertise. Only Platinum and VIP ticket holders receive access to this impactful small-group closing session with the Counterpoint experts. It is an invaluable opportunity to reinforce lessons and synthesize key takeaways before returning to the real world.